Donate to Our Cause

Your donations help support valuable programs and initiatives that benefit our students and school, like enrichments, field trips, and the staff fund. 
Each year the PTO fundraises over $55,000, or about $140.00 per student to support these initiatives, and our school. 

We recognize that these are challenging economic times, and we welcome and appreciate contributions in any amount.

Please note for direct donation contributions:

    • Direct donation contributions are tax deductible as the Robin Hood PTO is a non-profit organization, under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

    • Unlike traditional fundraisers, 100% of the money raised goes directly to the PTO, and provides a direct benefit to Robin Hood students.

    • If your employer has a matching gift program, we will work with you to obtain these funds.

Donate to Us
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Your Name
Minimum Price: $10.00
If you want to let us know why you're donating (or if you'd like to donate to a specific cause at Robin Hood), let us know here.